Saturday, November 8, 2008

How to Seduce Any Women - Easy Tips Guys Can Follow to Get the Girls

If your human, you have probably noticed that going up and talking to a random women you find attractive can be pretty scary. If you want to learn how to seduce a women there are certain strategies you must learn first. My first piece of advice would be not to listen to any of your friends.

Simply because they have not studied the art of getting women like I have, so their advice is sure to get you turned down! If you want a women to not give you the time of day and never take you seriously then you can listen to your friends.

You have to understand that pretty girls get hit on everyday. It is not uncommon that a women who you want to start a conversation with has been approach by dozens of guys already. So all of the corny pickup lines you are thinking of saying have been said already!

Key point, you have to be original. Separating yourself from the pack is a must. If you say "Hey, you got a nice body..blah blah" you are sure to never land a date with her.

A common mistake for most men is the ability to use their humor. No I am not talking about being a total comedian, but I do mean to always find things that are humorous and do them. It's amazing to see the amount of guys who like to play the tough role and barely crack a smile.

Don't let this happen to you. Doing this will make you look common in a woman's eyes and that is what you DON'T want. Remember, always be original!

There is nothing worse then someone who is fake. So why try and play an act with a girl? I'm telling you this, it will hurt you in the long run. If you are macho act macho, if you are sweet and silent, play your part. Be who you are because in the long run that is who she is going to want to be with.

The last tip here will be to use your manners. I was told the other day "I have great manners and that is hard to come by nowadays". I was totally stunned because all I said was thank you. Having great manners and showing a women that you are a caring person can help you seal the deal for sure. If you are walking and have a chance to hold a door open, you better hold it! No matter how far she is, the thought is what counts and the action of doing it will make her appreciate you.

Getting a girl is not so hard after all. All the tools we need are found within us. Just stay true to yourself and let your inner qualities show!

Omar Negron has been studying the art of attracting women and realizes the common mistake most men make. Did you know that 99% of men get turned down by women everyday? To find out how to avoid this from happening to you and pick up FREE Secret Guides To Getting Women visit his blog at

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