Saturday, November 8, 2008

How to Seduce Women Instantly

Women are not that complicated. If you accept that truth then half the battle is won. Yeah they may have PMS and attempt to play their little games but that aren't so different from men. The problem is that it's up to men to make the move. Let's face it, our society looks down on women that chase men even going so far as to label them sluts. A women will never risk being viewed a slut to her friends or to anyone so men have been given the task to pursue.

It's all about getting her to a comfort level where she can trust you. Once that level of trust is established she will feel comfortable in going to your house for a look at your artwork, coffee then the bedroom.

Be confident and relaxed - Seduction start here. You must get over your fears and detach yourself from the outcome. You are there to have fun first and foremost she is there for the ride. A truly confident man thinks exactly this way and makes no apologies. Secondly be relaxed at all times. Nothing will kill your chances more then appearing nervous or anxious remember you are moving at your own pace. Don't make sudden moves, move slowly and never jump when someone wants your attention.

Have something exciting to talk about - One of the techniques on a how to seduce women instantly is done through conversation. Women hate it when men waste time talking about politics, your job, star trek, computers you get the idea. They are boring! Women love talking about pop culture they can go on for hours about TMZ and all the gossip shows. Show your cultured side and talk about some of the place you have travelled to. Remember that in order for a conversation to be effective, it must be a two-way process.

Don't be afraid of the dance floor - I'm not suggesting you break dance for her all women in general like to dance. If she says I'm going to dance with my girlfriends don't be the cool guy and avoid the dance floor. Don't feel embarrassed because no one cares what you are doing or taking notes. Get ride of any self doubt and just do it. As far as the actual dancing all you need is the basic side to side and you'll do fine. Nothing's more appealing to a woman than a man who is confident on the dance floor.

Pull the trigger - When establishing connections with the girl you're with and she feels comfortable look for the signals like she's looking intensely into your eyes, licking her lips and rubbing her neck. At that point take her out of that bar or club and go for a quick bite to eat or coffee. Maintain the conversation and this point you want to escalate the interaction. Whatever you do say something non-sexual making an excuse to get to her place or yours whichever is closer such as "I'd love to see that dog of yours you keep talking about". The reasons are endless.

What to learn more about the art of approaching women? Click here - The Official Review Site for Art of Approaching.

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